Sunday, September 16, 2012

Placenta Previa...please go away!

So I spent the majority of my day today in Labor and Delivery. No, thank goodness I was not in labor, but I was experiencing some bleeding last night. I couldn't remember what the rule was if your placenta is low lying?? Did he say come in if you have any bleeding, its okay to have a little spotting, I couldn't remember! So, I decided after I had a big gush of red blood I would call! My nurse told me it was best to come in, but I was a little hesitant because I didn't want to go if it was really nothing. I hate being that person who freaks out about every little thing. She told me I could wait an hour to see if it went away and if it continued to come to the Women's Evaluation Unit. Oh, she also told me to lay and elevate my what did I do?? Go to a fair of course! :) It was on our evening agenda and the kids were ready to go when we got the call back, so we had to go. Luckily though, the bleeding stopped.

This morning I had another little gush, so I felt it was best to just be checked out this time. After all, I have never experienced bleeding before with any of my pregnancies. This couldn't be normal. By the time we got there and got checked in (to labor and delivery because the WEU is closed on weekends, go figure) the blood was now brown...yes, a beautiful thought I know. :)

I was seen by a resident who did all the fetal monitoring and did an external ultrasound to check out the baby and then an internal ultrasound to check out the placenta. Good news was that baby girl is doing just fine! Bad news is that the placenta is still covering the cervix and is the reason for the bleeding. They had asked about my daily acitivies yesterday which included all of the following: sex, bootcamp class, vaccuuming and mopping the whole main level of the house, coaching a soccer game, and an afternoon nap!  She determinded that that may have been too much, but of all things, the sex was probably what did it! After 4 long hours (including getting my blood drawn! Ooo..I hate it! Although I promised I would document that I am type A+ so I never have to do that again) I was released on "pelvic rest", code for "no sex" indefinitly. That made my hubby real happy :) ha! Not as bad as the shot in the butt they were telling me about to stop bleading, or bed rest like I had read on every website and feared!!! They said my doctor will talk to me in more detail at my next appt in two weeks and if anything happens between now and then I am to come back in.

What I'm not liking about my research into placenta previa is most of the time is looks like women go on bed rest until their baby is able to be safely delivered?? That must mean a long time on bed rest huh?  Yikes, me and my job cannot afford that! I read before that this is common at your 20 week ultrasound, but that 80% of the time the placenta ends up moving away from the cervix and most woman are able to deliver just fine. I'm only in my 22nd week and this is happening, so I'm not sure if thats bad or normal? I guess I'll get an update in two weeks!

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