Friday, July 27, 2012

I made it to 15 weeks!

me at 12 weeks!
I finally made it to the 2nd trimester! Yay. Now maybe my energy will re-appear! I can't complain too much about my pregancy so far. I haven't been throwing up each morning and the baby seems to be healthy, but what I will complain about for just a minute is my lack of energy! Noon hits and I'm lethargic. I feel like my head could hit the ground while I'm walking. Don't remember too much of this in previous pregnancies? I hope its coming to an end because I really feel lazy and I hate that! My only other complaint...ITS HOT!! I've always been able to keep up with my workouts like normal in my pregancies, but now most of it is done outside and its just too stinking hot to go out there. Maybe that could be contributing to the tiredness too?? huh? I have been managing to still run a couple miles at a time and did a 5K a few weekends ago in under 30 minutes, so I guess I'm still keeping in decent shape. I haven't been facing the scale though. I actually never really owned a scale and have always gone by the way my clothes feel and how I look in the mirror, so I'm going to just keep going with that!
I've been playing a little game with guessing the sex of the baby and quizing friends about their expiences in pregancies and gender. I have been quite certain all along that I'm having another girl just because I have 2 already and I'm just not sure we are capable of making boys! Recently though, I realized my cravings with this baby are very different from my last two, so that got me thinking!? I can't say I have strong cravings. I've never made my husband run out for chinese food at 10pm or anything, but I just remember with both of my girls eating a LOT of fruit and cheese and I had ice cream nightly. This time around I'm really going for anything carbs (cereal, rice, cous cous) and spicy stuff like buffalo sauce on anything and virgin bloody marys with extra olives! I've been eating a lot of homegrown tomatoes from my garden, but don't have much interest in my fruit or other veggies :( I know thats terrible coming from me! So, does that have anything to do with gender? My facebook followers all predicted a boy...every single one of them, but I'm not convinced until I see it for myself!!
My goal next week while beaching it in Florida is to get out there and run/walk each morning, or do a few bike rides. Of course I always travel with my bands for strength and yoga/stretching is a nightly routine. Doing my best in this summer heat to stay in shape! Oh, and my shape...its changing! My belly is showing a lot sooner this time around! That could just be because its number three, or maybe its all those carbs!! :)

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