Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a day in the life of this mom....

Wake up and look at the clock.”Its morning already?” Think to myself "go for a run?"..... "No, way too tired." Think maybe tomorrow I'll get up early. Think about coffee. Baby cries. Get up go get baby and preschooler. Carry both to our bed! Make a bottle. Feed baby or wake husband to feed baby. Get in the shower. Think "wash the hair today?"...Decide no, go with the ponytail. Take off my towel and look in the mirror...think about my workout today. Pick out things I don't like about my body. Wonder where my boobs went? Get dressed. Make cereal for preschooler. Get clothes out for baby and preschooler. Change baby. Try to rush toddler to get finished eating. Brush teeth. Put on shoes. Try to get preschooler to get dressed (no luck). Wonder if I have time to make coffee? Pack diaper bag. Wrestle preschooler to get dressed. Start the car. Get baby in car seat. Put coats on. Think..."oh I didn't have breakfast!” Grab a protein shake or bar. Walk out the door. Go back in to take preschooler "potty.” Get in the car. Eat on the way to the babysitter. If through Starbucks! Sometimes talk on the phone (bad I know!). Drop off the kids. Finish the drive to work. Think about how I hate to drop off the kids everyday...wish I could be with them more. Think about everything I need to get done at work today. Get to work. Make coffee! Sit down and check emails. The craziness begins. Work on the group fitness schedule. Make a marketing piece for one of the trainers. Watch people workout on the treadmills from my office and wish I were them. At 12pm realize I’m still drinking coffee and I should eat lunch. Make the best choices I can. Be creative with my salad. Choose the cottage cheese and fruit. Finally start drinking water. Think about when I will have time to get a workout. Set a time I’m gonna stop working and workout. Hopefully get a workout! 3pm talk to the hubby for the first time today. Explain how busy I have been. Explain why I won't get out of work on time! Tell him that I haven't thought about what to have for dinner yet. Think about what the kids are doing. Wonder if they miss me? Hopefully get out of work at a decent time. Hopefully don't sit in traffic. Stop by Target for diapers or formula. Think about what we need to do tonight. Get home and kiss my family. Hope the hubby has made dinner. Hope its something healthy! Eat like I am starving...probably with a baby on my lap. Try to get preschooler to eat something...anything! Feed baby cereal. Spend some time with the kids. Try to catch Biggest Loser or Grey's Anatomy while playing with kids. Do some commercial break workouts (push-ups and crunches). Think about a glass of wine. Hopefully have a glass of wine! Put baby to bed. Maybe get a blog in. Lay in bed with preschooler and read books. Say prayers. Take preschooler to bed. Can barely hold my eyes open for the news. Feel too tired to be romantic with the hubby! And finally....hopefully...get some sleep before the baby wakes to in the night to eat!

If you are anything like me…your day is probably pretty similar! How do we do it?!

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