Monday, April 2, 2012

Diet Reviews

Wow, I took a little hiatus from the blogging there! Sorry about that. I'm back! I haven't yet given my full review of the 3 diets in 3 weeks experiment. I can say that I enjoyed it and learned a lot about Paleo, Weight Watchers, and Mediterranean. The biggest thing I learned is that I am not a counter and I don't like being very restricted! Who does right? I did better on the diets that allowed you to have as much of one thing and told you foods that were off limit rather than the one that said everything in moderation or as long as you count it. Of all the diets, I felt the Mediterranean was the most common sense diet. I felt it was pretty much how I normally eat. Whole grains, fruit and veggies, healthy fats. The Paleo was probably the most radical of the diets, but I actually enjoyed it and saw the best results with it! I am really thinking about going back to this on a long term basis. Its really a lifestyle diet, not meant to use for just a period of time, but you have to like protein and fruits and veggies, because thats just about all you eat! The lack of dairy and grains (I'm not sure which exactly did it) made me feel so less bloated and make my tummy feel super flat! I loved that.
Weight Watchers wasn't good for me. Number one I think you really have to do your homework before starting it and I must say I wasn't that prepared! I think this is a big eye opener for people when they see how many points some of there daily foods really are. For me though, I would be too obsessive....One of those people who would look at everything as a point and tell you how many points were in what you were eating! And it would be annoying! lol!
If you have any more questions on any of these, please let me know. I'd be happy to elaborate more! Thanks for following!

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