Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It feels like a good time for Goal Setting!

With so much going on in my life right now and so many mini projects and hobbies, I felt like I needed to prioritize and really sit down and think out where I'm going! Sometimes I feel like I live day to day...everything happens so fast. One thing I love about Lululemon (besides the clothes) is that they provide great goal setting tools! I love how they have thier employees goal set and display them in the store. If someone MADE me do it...where would I be headed?? Here are some guidelines to follow and a link to their goal setting sheets.

(At the end of the year, I have a couple great worksheets I've created and use with clients yearly! I keep them in my planner and check them off as I accomplish them for the year! I love doing it each year.)

guidelines to follow as you write your goals:

use affirmative language

Say what you will do, not what you won’t do. This will focus your energy on the desired outcome rather than the actions or behaviours that must stop.

Example: “I practice sidecrow” instead of “I stop avoiding sidecrow.”

be specific

Make your goals as specific and concise as possible. Keep it under 15 words, with no justification required. You can always change your mind!

by when

Attach a goal to your date. State the month in addition to the year. Dates keep you accountable. Don’t overthink things too much – just pick a date.

and now, your turn!

Here is a goal sheet for you to write in your 1, 5, and 10-year goals. At the top, write what your age and life will be like in 10 years.

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