Monday, October 22, 2012

Surprise...its Birth Day!

October 16th
So we had run out of time and to save me and our baby she would be delivered by C-section asap. Before I could even ask they told me they were going to put me to sleep for the surgery! "Thank God" I thought. I just didn't think I could handle anymore. I just wanted to wake up and it all be over. They said they weren't sure how much would go on once they got in there and how much blood I would lose or how many transfusions I would need, so they preferred I was asleep. There was also a good chance they would not be able to save my uterus with such a risky surgery and the amount of bleeding. We told them not to risk my life to save it. If they needed to take it out to make it safer to do it!  Since general anesthesia affects the baby they couldn't put me under until the minute they were ready to begin. They prepped me fully awake. It was horrible hearing and seeing all that was happening around me and seeing the amount of doctors and nurses in the room. The NICU team was waiting to take our 26 week old baby and several OB and high risk doctors did the surgery. Jason geared up, but they made him wait in the hallway.

The next thing I know I wake up in the ICU recovery. They told me everything went well and baby was okay. Daddy had gone along with the baby and he got to see her and cut her cord before they took her. I breathed a huge sigh of relief! I woke up! I didn't feel a thing! My baby was alive! We did it! My family came in to visit and I relaxed. I have no idea how long I was there for? I finally got to see my baby as they took me from recovery to a room on the labor and delivery floor. I couldn't see her well because she was in her incubator and I was laying in a bed, but it was amazing just seeing her small body for the first time! I went back to labor and delivery so they could keep a closer eye on me as long as they needed. I got to see my kids for the first time since surgery. My time there is a little blurry. I think I finally got moved to the 6th floor with the rest of the moms at 1:30am. These are the rooms I am used too! A nice suite where I could relax for the next several days. The only thing that would be so different is that I wouldn't get to have my baby in my room for visitors and feedings.
She looks like a regular size baby here! She was born at 2lbs 4oz. 14 1/2 inches long!

Oh...another strange thing. My mom had been praying to St. Gerard ever since we learned I had this previa issue. St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers. She called me a few days after completely amazed that Adison was born on the feast day of St. Gerard! Maybe he was protecting me during my delivery??? Hmm...

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