
Friday, February 19, 2016

Go Fit Mom's Favorite Things!!! #10 Pandora Radio

I'm sure you can already guess what some of my favorite things are, the things I use EVERY day because I am a creature of habit. Some things I love so much that I just have to share. I thought it would be fun to share my top 10 favorite health and fitness products...well at least most of them. I'll be counting them down, in really no particular order because I don't think I could live without any of them. I'll let you know why I love it, where you can get it, how to use it...etc!

#10 Pandora Radio!

I'm sure you have the app on your phone or listen to Pandora at work. It's one of my favorite things because I use it DAILY for my fitness classes and personal workouts! I've been instructing for 15 years now and let me tell you what a difference Pandora has made in my classes! Back in the day it was CD's. You had to constantly buy new workout CD's that were expensive or cheesy and carry them around and rotate them. Then we got ipods and had to constantly buy new songs at $.99 and make new playlists and you thought you'd puke if you heard that playlist again!
Pandora has made no two classes of mine the same! It goes on for hours and if you find the right channel you could workout for hours (Ok, not really), but it helps right? So what are my favorite fitness/workout channels? Grab your phone. Open your app. Enter these now!

  1.  80's Cardio Radio (if you want to take it back to the old aerobics days)
  2.  Dance Cardio Radio (pop, funky, upbeat)
  3.  Classic Rock Power Workout Radio (the men in my classes love this one)
  4.  Pop Fitness Radio (all the latest, if you want to feel young :)
  5.  80's Hip Hop Radio (taking me back to the DARE dances!)
  6.  Country Fitness Radio (I don't so much use this in classes, but if you like Country)
  7.  Hip Hop BBQ Radio (Always a favorite with the 30 somethings! Love me some Hip Hop)
  8.  Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout Radio (a little mix of old and new)
  9.  90's Hip Hop Radio (My ALL Time FAVORITE for personal workouts!)
  10.  Salt-N-Pepa Radio (MY NEW FAV!! Yes, I still know every word of "None of your Buisness" and I will sing it out loud! Seriously're welcome!)
I want to go workout right now don't you??

Oh, I forgot to mention I upgraded to Pandora ONE--- ZERO commercials! Only $4.99 per month and extremely worth it for me. If you won't use it that often, maybe you don't want to pay that, but my classes keep everyone singing, laughing and ROCKING their workouts!!

What are your favorite channels? Share them with me!


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